The Buzz Begins...
“You should write a book!”
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard those five words.
Look...I have the prologue written, and I have ideas on paper. But I get STUCK when I think about where to begin. And what to focus on. Making the ideas of what I want to write about FLUID is much more difficult in practice. I’m not exactly a straight line person in every day life...I mean...shiny object anyone? So, trying to write a linear book isn’t exactly going to be among my top traits.
So….that, my friends, is what has led me here. Welcome to, “Holly’s Bee Buzz” - A Blog….where I can talk about anything, at any time. Where I can meld ALL the things I do....together!
Let me introduce myself, in case you don’t know who I am.
My name is Holly, and I feel like I have a LOT to say. Let’s cut to the chase. I am starting this because I want to HELP people. My Goal has ALWAYS been to motivate and inspire others. So, my hope is that through this medium I can chat about real life things, and maybe encourage someone along the way.
Let me give you the short list of some topics (in no particular order, of course)
And of course…
Motivation & Inspiration
If you are my friend on Facebook, it is no secret to you that I have done a lot of writing and put it out there on a variety of topics. I love to share there, because that is where I am typically connected with people. But I wanted something MORE!
Having a PLACE for all these random musings to live, I think, is the next natural progression.
So, welcome. Thank for being here and reading. I would love for you to share a little about you and what you would like to read about. My goal for this isn’t for it to be some Twenty First Century online journal for is about YOU...the person reading it; and how my experiences and journey can help YOU through yours.
I promise to share more about myself (I didn’t tell you a whole lot here if you don’t know me, but stay tuned), be open, and be vulnerable with you. To share the trials and triumphs, the good and the bad, and ways to navigate this thing called life. Welcome to it. I hope you’ll follow along! Simply hit the subscribe button to know when a NEW post is up!
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