Who are your people?
If you surround yourself with GREAT people, GREAT things happen!
Who are your people? Do you have an accountability group? Do you talk to people about your goals, both big and small? Do you complain, or find solutions? Do you make excuses, or take action?
A few months ago, I started reading, "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield. I mentioned it one day at my workout, and The Badass Booty Bombshells Bookclub was formed.
Here is what we do:
-We read the book and we discuss.
-We write down our goals, make vision boards and talk about our fears.
-We have a group that we touch base in/on pretty much every day.
-We share with each other what is going on in our lives.
-We lift each other up. Share different perspectives. Sometimes we just listen.
-We laugh. We cry (Ok....*I* Cry).
-Oh, and we workout!
Here is what Happened:
On this part I can only speak for myself personally...
-I get my behind out of bed on days I don't want to work out and I show up.
-I am allowing myself to DREAM BIG.
-I put some big scary goals down on PAPER
-I am more positive
In the {short} time we have been at this on a consistent basis, my house is cleaner, my body is better, my mind is better, I am happier, and I am more productive.
I am surrounded by GREAT people. People that motivate me to be better every day. People that pick me up when I am down, and allow me to be a real human. People that push me - knowing what I am capable of, even when I am not sure. People that support me and cheer me on. Each of us is very different. We all have different goals and are coming from different places. But the common bond is to be the BEST version of ourselves for ourselves, and for those around us...every day!
What you surround yourself with - becomes your reality. What you tell yourself - becomes your reality.
Choose wisely.
I am surrounded by GREAT people.
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